
The Goodest Water-Puppy

"I may not be the most smartest, but I is a real good dancer which is like bein' very clever wit' yer feets!"


Name:Ky’raan (Kai-ran) Notamekoh (not-Uh-mee-coh)
Nicknames:Ky’, The Goodest Water-Puppy, Puppy, Baby, Water-boi
Apparent Creature Type:Miqo'te-ish
Actual Creature Type:Ky’thyng
Romantic Preference:He is still figuring that out.

Appearance & Personality:

Ky’ has strikingly large, luminescent heterochromatic eyes of blue and green that are always brimming with curiosity. His hair, a wild mop of pale blue with vibrant pink streaks, adds to his distinctive look. He has unusually large ears, a long fluffy tail, and on occasion has been seen with beastal-looking feet and wings — traits not commonly seen among Miqo'te. He uses these highly expressive features to communicate his emotions and reactions with a lively and endearing flair.He is a simple and straightforward lad who likes good company, good drink, and meeting new animals and friends. What folks first notice about him is his odd manner of speech, (think somewhat of a heavily modified west country UK accent), and his lack of understanding of basic popular culture and social cues. He is the first to admit that he has an easier time speaking with the animals, and other unusual creatures, than speaking with most "soft-foots" (people).

Likes & Dislikes:

He has a fondness for water, animals, and the whimsical charm of minions and pets. He adores fae creatures and treasures the company of “nice peoples.” Dancing is a joyful activity for him, and he delights in indulging in snacks and pleasing his friends through acts of service. Ky’ is particularly fond of going on adventures with his loyal pack of minions and enjoys long hops and flights with Papa Fatz, a large and overprotective Paissa who may view Ky’ as one of his own beloved hatchling brats.

Ky’ particularly dislikes getting hit on the head, a frequent occurrence due to his distractible nature. He detests cruelty toward his friends, whether they are animals or people, and finds being surrounded by too many soft-foots at once overwhelming and uncomfortable.

Strengths & Weaknesses:

He is deeply loyal, kind, and caring, with a simplicity that endears him to others. He possesses a unique ability to understand animals and conventionally non-verbal magical creatures, often connecting with them in ways that seem almost intuitive. His willingness to help is boundless; he will readily do whatever is asked of him, driven by his desire to be of service and support his friends.

Ky’ struggles with illiteracy and amnesia, which complicate his ability to retain and process information about human social situations. His naive nature and tendency to become easily confused can lead him into misunderstandings. Additionally, while he is eager to help and will do almost anything asked of him, he often takes instructions very literally, which can sometimes result in unintended consequences


What Ky' Remembers:

Several years ago, Ky’rann was found naked and unconscious by Kotu’a Mewrilah in The Black Shroud forest just outside of New Gridania. Even more unusual than his lack of attire was the icy like substance he was covered in —a peculiar occurrence given the geographical location. With no recollection of how he ended up in such a state or any memory of his past life, Ky’ began, or re-began, his journey in Eorzea by joining Kotu’a’s nightclub business ventures, first as a stable hand and janitorial custodian and then eventually becoming a host.Despite the unsettling nature of his memory lapse, Ky’ is surprisingly unfazed. He’s accustomed to finding himself in unfamiliar places with fragmented memories, and this experience is just another chapter in his unpredictable journey. Adapting quickly to his new surroundings, Ky’ is more focused on fitting in and understanding his current situation than on the mystery of his past.

What Ky' Doesn't Remember:

((Endwalker Spoilers Below))
Created long ago by Hermes, the Kythings were among his earliest creations as the chief overseer of Elpis. Akin to familiars, and fashioned from aether infused with dynamis, the Kythings were conjured to assist the Amaurotine creators in their work. Their main purpose, to bridge the communication gap between man and beast, with the hope of providing deeper insights into the needs and motivations of some of the more volatile creations on Elpis. By translating the experiences of the various fauna into words, the Kythings would assist the ancient Amaurotines in the proof-of-concept phase of their work, thereby drastically reducing the need to euthanize some of the more unruly creatures.
Although thinner in aether than most creatures, the Kythings were blessed with the ability to alter parts of their form to adapt to the natural environments of the creatures they were sent to interact with. For example, they could manifest wings for flight, gills and webbed digits for swimming, sharp teeth and claws for climbing, or padded feet for traversing harsh terrain. Their hollow bones and wiry muscles allowed them to move with remarkable agility, while their powerful lungs enabled them to withstand the pressures of high altitudes and deep underwater dives. Through his early work with Dynamis, Hermes endowed the Kythings with the ability to understand and communicate with various beasts, allowing them to empathize deeply with their plight. This profound connection, however, would ultimately become the very reason for their eventual destruction.A pack of fourteen Kythings were created and dispatched across Elpis with a mission: to find the creatures most at risk of being culled, live amongst them, and report back on how their concepts could be salvaged. However, things didn’t exactly go according to plan.What Hermes didn’t anticipate was the Kythings overabundance of wild, chaotic energy, coupled with the intense loyalty they would develop as they bonded with the new packs they joined. After a few months, reports began flood in of "beast-like" men in the company of creatures marked for euthanasia attacking Amaurotine scholars. It was then Hermes recognized the extent of his miscalculation. Taking full responsibility for his mistake, with a heavy heart he called upon the fourteen Kythings. Like loyal dogs responding to their master, they heeded his call, and in private, he returned their aether to the star—all except for one.The smallest of the litter, and by far his favorite, Kyron, Hermes couldn’t bring himself to end this one’s existence. Yet, knowing the creature would be destroyed if left on Etheirys, he made a painful decision. He encased the Kything runt in ice, suspending it in a sleep-like state, and sent it to orbit the star, awaiting a time when he could call it back down to perfect its design."Perhaps..." Hermes thought as he watched the little one ascend into the atmosphere, "...a creature crafted entirely from Dynamis would offer a more stable foundation for my next creation..."


  • Data Center/World: Crystal>Malboro

  • Time Zone: US Pacific

  • Availability: Weekends and evenings mostly.

  • Main Class: Bard

  • Discord: Available on Request

  • RP: Looking for ties and anyone interested in RP. Voice preferred as like to practice my voice acting but can also RP via text chat.